Great Rollright Parish Council
Bob Humphrey: (Chair) 730331
Gavin Southwell (Deputy Chair): 730888
Janet Wilkinson 730268
Duncan Midwood 730578
Sam Wood
Pam Ramotowski (Parish Clerk)
Please note: The Councillors do not have designated responsibilities.
The District Council website is regularly updated:
Meetings are held on the second Monday in January, March, May, July, September and November. They take place in the Village Hall Committee Room and start at 7.30pm.
The press and public are welcome.
Parish Council Noticeboard
Parish Council Elections
We are beginning to get questions about the forthcoming town and parish elections. Because there are local elections this year, we thought you might find the following information useful.
You can find recruitment resources for new councillors on the NALC website and we will be running two free ‘So you want to be a councillor’ online events on 29th February at 12.30pm and 11th March at 6.30pm. Booking details are on our website events page. Please do feel free to share this is newsletters or on your website as it is aimed at potential new councillors who can book themselves onto either session.